Alkaline water if it’s good for diabetics

Has this been mentioned in this group?
My husband went to a thrift store for me, something I found on fb marketplace. He has to go Wednesday for follow up with cancer dr, they’ve been running tests to make sure cancer still gone. The lady running store told him she goes to MD ANDERSON in Houston... they are told to drink alkaline water. I found some at wal mart w/Himalayan mineral, electrolytes.
Jerry said see if it’s good for diabetics... IT IS. This is unreal. Let me know if anyone else has tried this, any adverse reactions... and where to get it. Want to get the best. If I have to buy thru Amazon/etc... I will. Thanks...
Mike Dino
Of course...
Laura Smith
Mike Dino well... MD Anderson in Houston isn't nonsense. Plus, acid in body does create diseases, cancer. I'm remembering when Jerry had cancer previously, we tried everything we could to remove acid from body. Big Pharma, doesn't want us to know about this...
it's all over Internet of benefits. If company sells a product... of course they will say it's nonsense.
I've already added several gallons of this to my Wal mart online order. Jerry will pick it up Wednesday. I'll let y'all know what it tastes like, lol. Jerry sure wants it.
If it's good enough for MD ANDERSON, it's good enough for us!
Mike Dino
Of course anecdotal evidence is so much better than actual facts...
James Black
Mike Dino I'm here studying at McGill university and will soon be taking on Mr. Schwarz to counter this article
Laura Smith
Anything with Himalayan minerals is definitely good for you. We use fine ground Himalayan salt, in bulk on internet. Take iodine supplements. Table salt is very bad for you. It's like glass that cuts arteries in heart... that heal... over and over, little scratches in blood vessels... then by accident... high blood pressure occurs.
So, Mortons Table salt is a no.
The sea salt with iodine is good...
But the pink Himalayan is best... it has healing properties❤️
Payel Mitra
I think I read it here or some other diabetic group that it helped with blood sugar level. There is no harm in trying I guess.
Laura Smith
Payel Mitra that's what I'm thinking. The article says it can REVERSE DISEASES. The damage our organs suffered could benefit from this!
Mike Dino
What is it with certain people and "woo"?
"Himalayan minerals is(sic) definitely good for you."…Lihat Lainnya
Laura Smith
Mike Dino goodness gracious. If you want to argue about benefits of Himalayan salt... somethings wrong. Check your sugar, rest. God bless.
Laura Smith
Mike Dino btw, you mis-read the article or didn’t read it all at all. Himalayan salt cannot reverse damage... it’s the alkaline water that removes acid from our body. The article says it can.
Read the article. No arguments in this group.
Penelope Dorson
Laura Smith where do you get your facts about table salt though? Seriously? How many decades have people eaten “Morton table salt” and never bled to death or had issues with high blood pressure?! I use both salts and I have to limit them. The key I think is limiting the use which stands for most things. I have yet to find research suggesting that Himalayan salt has exclusive healing properties.
Laura Smith
Penelope Dorson My doctor... plus it’s all over internet. Salt obtained from different salt mines are like tiny shards of glass that once in body can cut tiny holes in blood vessels, heart vessels, that naturally heal, then that scar tissue builds up in blood stream, creating high blood pressure.
Morton salt is used by everyone. But I’m choosing to use healthiest salt. It’s something you’ve got to research on your own... don’t take my word for it.
I have high blood pressure... but it’s not from salt. I have all the Himalayan salt I want... BP won’t raise a bit. Plus it has many health benefits.
I do take iodine supplement though. That’s the only drawback from using Himalayan salt.
I use to buy the “Sam’s Best” at wal mart, but they are always out. People caught on...
The cheaper brand I do not like. So ordered big bag from Amazon, for extra fine grains. Tastes awesome. No guilt.
Mike Dino
Laura Smith ". don’t take my word for it. " wisest advice yet.
Penelope Dorson
Laura Smith honestly if we all built up scar tissue in our blood stream from eating salt we would all be walking around with high blood pressure or dead. The acid in our stomachs dissolve the salt. Sorry. Don’t buy it. But I’ll do my own research.
Ross Dov
Bull shit news
Casper Gorniok
There is some merit in this, and it is not b**l s**t, Ross! The trouble is the cost!! I looked into a machine in UK - and it cost $5,000...........perhaps a substitute is to research brands that are directly from a spring water source?
Mike Dino A
nd yet all credible science has this a complete BS...
Ross Dov
Casper Gorniok it is literally a paid “article”
Casper Gorniok
Ross Dov - let's be candid. How many times have we ever bought anything because we were "influenced". We do it just about every day. The only thing to do is try it yourself and see if it makes any difference. Frankly, it's the same with any product making claims.
Mike Dino
Casper Gorniok Let's be candid, some people will sell snake oil because they have a vested interest.
It would be much more beneficial for a diabetic to eat properly than pour money into woo...
Ross Dov
Casper Gorniok faor
Casper Gorniok
Mike Dino woo??
Mike Dino
: dubiously or outlandishly mystical, supernatural, or unscientific
Laura Smith
Casper Gorniok Wal mart sells alkaline water for $3.50 gallon. Don’t look for the machine... you can buy at store...
Casper Gorniok
Laura Smith - hi Laura - I am in United it'll be interesting to find out what, if anything we have here. Or else, it's an opportunity for Wal-Mart via ASDA (their UK subsidiary).
Laura Smith
Casper Gorniok hope and praying you can find some. If can’t, call a cancer hospital and ask what stores sell it. They’ve got to have it for you. If not, try amazon, online. They’ll ship free if you have amazon prime or buy a certain amount. Let me know how it goes. God bless.
James Black
Laura Smith The machines last 25+ years and produce electrically alkaline water for $0.08/gallon. Physically alkaline water will give you kidney stones and has no antioxidants
David Navarro
Laura Smith our bodies are very acidic from bad eating habits, chronic diseases multiply in our bodies because of this state. Getting your bodies back to an alkaline state, helps lower the chance/risk of these chronic diseases! Proven by a Nobel prize winner in the 1930’s Otto Warburg, found that cancer cells in an acidic environment grew, when he put the same cancerous cells in an alkaline environment they diminished!! Numbers, and research don’t lie. Drink up!
Mike Dino
You are correct "Numbers, and research don’t lie." - So how about backing up those claims about acidic bodies with science?
David Navarro
My A1c went from 8.5 to 6.1
Blood pressure went from 140/80 to 110/60!
I’m a walking real live testimony!! Nutrition is key.
Mike Dino
David Navarro Yes nutrition helps.
Now how about backing up your acidic body and all those other claims?
David Navarro
Not acidic any longer! Body is in an alkaline state. Drinking plant based food that helps eliminate toxins in the body. Products are in the PDR
Mike Dino
avid Navarro At this point, I have to ask, do you even understand how the body works?
David Navarro
Nope! Don’t need to. Not trying to be a doctor, just getting myself off 3 scripts, insulin 3 times a day and dropping weight.
Laura Smith
David, what is PDR ...
David Navarro
Physicians Desk Reference- The Doctor’s Bible.
When they write a prescription, they reference this book. It should be on every doctor’s desk.
Jason Miller
The alkaline vs acidity claims have been debunked. Just another ploy to get people to overspend. Your body regulates itself. If your at a high acidic state you should look at what your eating not offsetting it with another gimmick
Laura Smith
Jason Miller
FAKE once alkaline water goes into your stomach acids act to neutralize and balance the ph
David Navarro
Laura, thank you for being positive and keeping the good word!!
David Navarro
No, no. Not a gimmick. I’ve got the okay from doctor to keep on. Our bodies are mostly water, if you just take supplements and expect to get better, you’re not addressing the root cause. You’ve got to first cleanse your body of toxins, then balance the ph within your body, then build it with good nutrition.
Jason Miller
The problem is what we're putting in our bodies not what we're missing.
Mike Dino
Balance the PH? WTF are you going on about...
Nothing you eat is going to substantially change the pH of your blood. Your body works to keep that level constant.
David Navarro
Sorry, can’t educate you on something you’re missing within your body. Against code of ethics, per this website. When a person’s ph is out of balance they become irritable, erratic, and often have confrontations with others. That’s what our society has…Lihat Lainnya
Mike Dino
David Navarro "Against code of ethics, per this website"
LOL of course it is... of course.…Lihat Lainnya
David Navarro
Just trying to help, one person at a time!
Mike Dino
David Navarro Misinformation is not help.
David Navarro
Proven facts.
David Navarro
Minds are like parachutes, they work much better when open. Good day.
Mike Dino
David Navarro So far, no. Delusions, yes.
Some open their minds so much that it falls out. …Lihat Lainnya
David Navarro
Good one!
David Navarro
Naw, I don’t think you’re ready
Mike Dino
David Navarro Because obviously your mind has been blown by the truth...
David Navarro
Mike Dino, no, no. People that post little red faces, aren’t subject to change.
Laura Smith
David Navarro For real. The Bible says don’t throw pearls before swine. You’re too good to let your pearls be thrown away! Lol. Be happy!
Penelope Dorson
Mike Dino I agree. Metabolic acidosis kinda makes you forget being irritable. You’re literally dying.
David Navarro
Thank you Laura Smith
David Navarro
We’re being told what to put in our bodies by the industry. If it’s advertised, don’t buy it!
Mike Dino
So true - those claims of alkaline water are bs...
Laura Smith
David Navarro I’m blocking Mr Dino. He’s obviously wanting to argue. My dr tells me be stress free or I could die from stroke. So... everyone, be stress free.
Laura Smith
I never knew trying to help fellow diabetics would draw out such negativity. First time I’ve seen this. It’s odd. Like a dang political or religious argument.?...
Enough negative comments. We are here to help each other. If don’t want to try water wi…Lihat Lainnya
Jason Miller
If you can site or show one study that supports your claim i would love to read it but it takes about 5 minutes of research to debunk the myth. Its important not to send people on a wild goose chase in the hopes of feeling better
Laura Smith
Jason Miller I’m done. Read my following comments. I’m bed ridden, can’t argue. Be nice. You do the research.
Terri Mitchell
Jason Miller Just so you know everything you read on the internet is not true. I can assure you that the doctors and researchers at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas have knowledge far superior to yours and Dr. Google. They do recommend Alkaline water and stay away from sugar!!!
Terri Mitchell
Laura Smith Laura there is always that 10 percent who want to disagree or argue. If Jason Miller spent more time at MD Anderson in Houston he would learn first hand the benefits of alkaline water. The bottom line is this, what he thinks is irrelevant.
Laura Smith
My dr tells me I’ve got the 1st stages of congestive heart failure, but tries to say it so it’s nothing to worry about, so I don’t have a dang stroke. I’m in a very precarious state, have inoperable blockage in left temporal lobe.
According to research... not just what I’ve posted, but all over the internet, alkaline water can help heal organs that have been damaged.
No more negative comments please.
Be ladies and gentlemen.
Everyone should be comfortable around you.
Laura Smith
If I drink the alkaline water and blood stops pooling in my feet, feeling like toes will explode with blood... I’ll let ya know. How’s that?
So far, keeping bs under 140 has helped, but toes still fill up with blood. If alkaline water helps, toes should not be turning red. Praying this works for my grandsons sake🙏🏼
Jason Miller
I had no intention of being abrasive and will pray for your recovery. I hope that the info will benefit you. If your trying to repair an organ you want to research stem cell production from fasting.
Jason Miller l
ook up Dr Mindy Pelz
Dave Carter
One or two people on here in the past have posted about the benefits of alkaline water. I can't say personally, but, if it doesn't do you any harm, there's no reason not to try it.
Terri Mitchell
My daughter also goes to MD Anderson for followups with cancer doctors and a few years ago when her cancer treatment began she began drinking alkaline water. She drinks Essentia. I am diabetic and if it is good for diabetics this is good to know.
Prayers for you Terri and your daughter.