Diabetes health information

This page was made for everyone with diabetes to get help with questions they feel are struggling to find answers to themselfs. Type one or type two you still have diabetes it dosent give anyone the right to be abusive towards anyone!

Diabetes health information

What Y'all Think About Brown Sugar,Pure Sugarcane,Is It Good Or Bad For Diabetics?

What Y'all Think About Brown Sugar,Pure Sugarcane,Is It Good Or Bad For Diabetics? Comment: Glorious Justice Smalls Please run from ...

I have autonomic neuropathy in most of my organs

I'm new here and I'm struggling with sticking with an eating plan. I just don't want to do it but I know I need too. I've m...

Any body can guide me I'm diabetic with BP and severe ED while allergic to ED drugs

Any body can guide me I'm diabetic with BP and severe ED while allergic to ED drugs what should I do. Comment: Sunnie Lawson Acevedo...

I’m considered prediabetic, My labs the last 3 times have been 114

Hi: I’m considered prediabetic. I’m trying to get ahead of this. My A1C was 6.1 a couple weeks ago. My labs the last 3 times have been 114. ...

HBa1c of 7,am i diabetic or No? du i need to start medication?

HBa1c of 7,am i diabetic or No?du i need to start medication? Comment: Szehwa Lim Izzit after fasting ?? Dave Carter HbA1c is differ...

Do y'all ever find that your blood sugar goes up after a plane trip?

Good Evening! Do y'all ever find that your blood sugar goes up after a plane trip? Comment: Demarcus Allen Good morning ☀️ where I ...

In Type 2, I've 3 problems so far. Leg, ED & stress

In Type 2, I've 3 problems so far. Leg, ED & stress. And now it is blinding me. God save us all. Comment: Seng Hock Let us save...
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