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What your thoughts on liver cleanse? will it help resistance

What your thoughts on liver cleanse

i was wondering what your thoughts on liver cleanse? will it help resistance


Brent Crawford
I give the idea of a cleanse about the same value as a fad diet, which is to say, not much at all

Starr Angel
Starr Angel that sucks i thought it may help repain the resistant i heared that

Vikas Thakur
Yes surly as liver is100 times big organ than pancrea and little improvment in liver will give big results

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur wow awesome 👏 I’m gonna try

Carter Stone
You can't cleanse your liver. It's not a real thing, it's a load of nonsense someone made up to make money off gullible people.

Starr Angel
it real and u can do it alot in diet u need right foods and yes it works

Carter Stone
No it isn't. Feel free to cite your sources to the contrary.

Starr Angel
Carter Stone wow feel free to see my update when im alot better and resistance and my health is great with out this bs issue

Carter Stone
Your not going to fix anything with a fake treatment.

Starr Angel
Carter Stone fake? You think your liver fake?

Carter Stone
Yes, that's exactly what I said. Livers are fake. I definitely didn't actually say that a liver CLEANSE is not a real thing. But I'm done playing chess with a pigeon. Buh-bye.

Starr Angel
Carter Stone omg how immature lol l

Vikas Thakur
I have tried this and find good results. I have reversed my Hba1c from 8.6 to normal without any medicine

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur really wow any tips on what liver cleanse you used

Carter Stone

Starr Angel
Carter Stone watch me

Vikas Thakur
Vikas Thakur turmeric, Ginger, apple cider vinegar ,garlic , alovera and many more things used in kitchen and local Herbs

Maria Weaver
My liver #'s got better after milk thistle

Vikas Thakur
Maria Weaver milk thistle is mostly used for alcoholic liver

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur so all cleanse I see for liver you do green tea a lot water green veggie bitter one are great like kale 🥬 but says grapefruit oranges apples idk about that with bloodsugar And how long dies cleanse take to do the job ?

Vikas Thakur
Starr Angel fruits r good as they contain vitamin c and antioxidents but they should be used in modration because eating many fruits can increase blood glucose

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur ok so I figure veggies and green tea a lot water and 1 to 2 fruits a day? So how long should I cleanse?

Vikas Thakur
We eat everyday and toxins are also produced everyday. so this is a endlees process so do it daily in moderation

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur no how long do I cleanse

Vikas Thakur
Starr Angel haha...we should do it life long

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur umm no this is a cleanse it not safe to stay on it for long u need protein and other foods and I’m gonna be taking supplements for this I can’t stay on them long

Starr Angel
So I ready in 30 days liver will regenerate and be fine 👏👏😀

Vikas Thakur
U should cleanse with this early morning and take healthy food after one hour like vegitables slad ,protein,fruits low carbs etc it is a life long process

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur yeah so one month this I’m hoping works

Starr Angel
You can’t cleanse for long so u can’t do it forever but after 39 days the resistance will be gone and you can eat protein normal no more bs issues and insulin and testing 👏👏👏👏👏⭐️I can do this

Gini N Doog Nelson
Starr Angel I am sorry but you are asking for pie in the sky. Beets will regenerate your liver, but you had better be careful with herbs and meds that go thru liver. Look at only foods, no herbs

Starr Angel
Gini N Doog Nelson well I need milk thistle for protein and calcium since I’m not doing meat

Gini N Doog Nelson
Milk thistle is an herbal cleansing agent for liver not a food protein.

Starr Angel
Why is everyone downing liver cleanse and getting rid of resistance?? I’m getting better and lack of support isn’t helping

Gini N Doog Nelson
All answers here have been to help you, but you are not listening. You might need to do your own research.

Vikas Thakur
You should try to cleanse your river with right herbs and healthy vegetables

Starr Angel
Vikas Thakur ty I’m looking for good one green veggies 🥬 and some say fruit idk about carbs so I’m looking

Vikas Thakur
tarr Angel things which are bitter in taste helps to cleanse liver fast

Mustafa Behan
Treating your liver right is important, of course. The concepts of liver cleanses are at least disputed.

Laura Smith
Starr Angel Just keep your eyes on sugar levels. If diabetes runs in family, even if you can get liver cleansed... diabetes is there. Even those that can drop meds... getting bs good, eventually have to get back on them as they age. Be wise hun.

Starr Angel
Laura Smith oh course and after cleanse still eat protein veggies eat healthy

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